• Summer Strategies Every Parent Needs to Turn Chaos into Connection

    Parents and children alike often look forward to the summer holiday, yet the excitement and the exhaustion can see all the high hopes crumbling down. The anticipation of a break from the usual routine and the promise of fun-filled days can sometimes lead to frustration and disconnection. As a parent coach and mum of two, I know that the summer holiday, while eagerly anticipated, can sometimes bring unexpected challenges. I created this guide to give you tips and ideas to navigate the summer holiday with ease while increasing the connection you have with your sweet children. Whether you’re planning trips, managing daily routines, or simply looking for ways to tackle…

  • When you lose it with your child, make the most out of it

    This article’s title might sound a bit weird or simply unusual, but bear with me 🙂 Have you ever, as a parent, promised yourself you wouldn’t repeat certain behaviour you had witnessed from the adults around you while growing up? I certainly did when I became a parent. I vowed not to ever get angry, yell, or ‘lose it.’ At first, I felt confident, thinking, ‘I’ve got this!’ But then, reality hit… One day, I found myself shouting at my toddler. The strangest part? In that moment, and even afterward, I didn’t realize I had broken my own promise. Only weeks later, it finally hit me – yelling at my…

  • Quote from the movie Kung Fu Panda, saying "Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.”

    Finding Clarity in Parenting

    We’ve recently watched the 2008 movie, ‘Kung Fu Panda’, as we were getting ready to watch the latest released in the series, ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’. We had watched it before. Yet I had forgotten, or maybe I hadn’t even noticed, the simple, clear, and profound truth Master Oogway (the elderly tortoise) reminds us in this movie. As parents, I know we resonate with this statement in several situations every single day! When our child drops clothes on the floor and then refuses to tidy up when asked to do so, and we become agitated with thoughts like ‘They’re so entitled!’, ‘I’ve raised a brat!’, or ‘How did I fail…

  • The Sibling Solution to Stress-Free Holidays – FREE Masterclass

    Monday, 11 December, 2023 – 12:00 pm GMT Join me in this FREE Masterclass for parents and caregivers of multiple children who want to enjoy squabble-free and bickering-free holidays. “The Sibling Solution to Stress-Free Holidays” is for parents and caregivers who want a conscious and peaceful parenting approach that works, one that is gentle, loving, respectful and evidence-based. Dear parents and caregivers, Are you dreading the holidays because you know your children’s squabbles will get on your nerves? Do you feel like running away or hiding under a blanket every time they start fighting? Are you tired of being a referee or a judge, bringing ‘justice’ to situations? Do you…

  • Starter Class with Raluca Zagura

    Are you ready to gain a deeper understanding of how we can parent so that we build closer relationships based on respect and connection, raise emotionally aware and resilient children, and build support for ourselves and heal past hurts? This autumn, join a 6-week Starter Class with Raluca Zagura and dive into: Evidence-based parenting strategies you can use to parent without harsh punishments or yelling – even when your child is strong-willed, defiant, or explosive, or has frequent tantrums or separation anxiety. The brain science behind what drives your child’s off-track behaviour, why connection-based parenting works in line with your child’s social and emotional needs and why traditional parenting methods…

  • How to support a child through their sadness

    Supporting children through their sadness can be challenging. It is often hard to hear our sweet child say ‘‘I’m sad my friend is moving away” or “I’m sad because a kid at school didn’t want to play with me”. Words like “I’m sad the holiday is over” or “I’m sad my favourite teacher is retiring” can be difficult to hear. Please note: the following article does not address prolonged sadness And it sometimes happens that when our child comes to us saying ‘I’m sad that…’, we often ‘but’ them, saying things like: ‘I know, BUT you’re gonna visit your friend next month’ when their friend is moving away. ‘I see,…

  • How to support children overcome their fear of dogs

    Fear of dogs can keep our children safe. And it can also prevent them from enjoying life, visiting family members, or playing in the park. Luckily, there are things we can do to support children overcome their fear. In the previous article on the topic we talked about how we can use play to help our children conquer their fear through giggles and laughter. In this article we will talk about how we can use listening to support our children release the fear through crying, sweating, or trembling. What is ‘the edge of the fear’? I want to start by introducing a term used by psychologist Lawrence Cohen in his book, ‘Playful…

  • Adult helping child overcome their fear of dogs

    How to use play to help your child overcome the fear of dogs

    Regardless of how cute and fluffy, friendly or playful, dogs can be, children can develop a fear of dogs that can hold them back from visiting friends or going to the park. And one thing you can do is use play to help your child overcome their fear of dogs. Have you ever seen your child hiding behind your leg as a dog walks by? Or maybe you have noticed them becoming very alert when a dog is in sight. At times they’re just taking a step back as a puppy approaches, trying to keep their distance.  Maybe they’re avoiding or are reluctant about visiting a family member who is…

  • Tips for Sibling Harmony during the spring holiday – FREE webinar

    Wednesday, 30 March 2022, at 9:30am GMT+1 Join me in a free 1-hour webinar for parents and caregivers of multiple children who want to enjoy squabble-free and bickering-free spring holidays. This webinar is for parents and caregivers who want a conscious and peaceful parenting approach that works, one that is gentle, loving, respectful and science-based. Dear parents and caregivers, Are you dreading the spring holidays because you know your children’s squabbles will get on your nerves? Do you feel like running away or hiding under a blanket every time they start fighting? Are you tired of being a referee or a judge, bringing ‘justice’ to situations? Do you yearn for…

  • How to play and boost the connection with your kids while lying down

    We all need a list of games to play with our kids while lying down, because… We’ve had such a busy day of work, regardless of what the work involved. It’s late in the afternoon and all we want to do is crash on the bed or sit on the sofa with our feet up. And that’s when we hear ‘Play with me!’. Or we’ve just been away for a few days, be it on a job trip or medical intervention, and we now feel drained. We want and need to rest, but we are alone with the kids and they’ve missed us, so they run to us, asking ‘Can…