• 4 easy steps to reduce the toy clutter with the kids

    When it comes to personal stuff, we can easily find ways to declutter and be more minimalist. But when it comes to kids and toy minimalism, things can get a bit complicated because we are not the only ones in charge of what enters the house or what stays in it. I want my kids to learn to value who they are more than what they have. To value experiences and people more than objects. I want them to understand that happiness and contentment cannot be found on a shelf in a shop. Therefore in the last couple of years, we have gradually changed our approach when it comes to…

  • How to teach children about recycling – FREE activities

    Our Planet needs us to recycle and to teach our children about recycling. From old homework assignments to broken toys or old car batteries, our planet needs us to take care of the waste. This is a message that our children also need to learn. We want to leave behind the best possible world for our children and they need to understand that they need to take responsibility too. Recycling should be a part of our everyday life. Luckily, it has become easier to do so. Still, while we adults understand the impact recycling has on the planet, the concept might be a bit hard to comprehend for kids at…

  • 10 ways in which having fewer toys might benefit your kids

    Having two kids of different genders, I certainly know how too many toys can pile up and how difficult and tricky it can be to adopt toy minimalism without feeling like you are a bad parent, ruining their childhood. Yet I remember that when I was a child I would entertain myself playing outdoors most of the time, in the garden climbing up the trees or building ‘mud houses’ for the earthworms. At other times I would spend time with friends: riding bikes, running, inventing our own board games and lots of pretend plays. I did have toys, though I don’t remember their number and I vividly remember just a…

  • How to naturally be calm when your child is whining

    Absolutely every parent finds out, sooner or later, what whining is, and not because they suddenly remember themselves whining as kids. It may seem like children are experts at whining, as they can do this often and for minutes on end. Keeping calm in those moments can be quite a challenge! Why does my child whine? Whining is important communication, not manipulation. It should not be ignored as it always has its reasons and holds messages like “I’m feeling helpless” or “I feel lonely”. However, I will dedicate a separate article to talk about the reasons why kids whine and what they actually need from their parents (make sure to…